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Stay at a live-in residence

The Adult Residential Treatment (ART) program located at 650 S. Bascom Ave, San Jose, CA will provide services for Severely Mentally Ill (SMI) and co-occurring disorder clients 18 years of age and older. Referrals to this treatment facility will come from inpatient psychiatric settings, such as the Institutions for Mental Diseases and Acute psychiatric hospitals. The ART treatment facility can provide up to 24 months of residential treatment for adults with serious mental illness. ARTs are designed for persons who can live in the community but who would be at risk of returning to a hospital without the support of counseling and a therapeutic community. Services under this program include housing, medication, behavioral health treatment, and social support for SMI clients who are ready to transition from treatment centers (e.g., Institutions for Mental Diseases [IMD], Mental Health Rehabilitation Centers [MHRC], and other acute inpatient psychiatric hospitals) to a lower level of care. This is step-down placement that will support the client’s stabilization, facilitate the transition to community services, and provide rehabilitative treatment services in a non-institutional and therapeutic community setting for clients at risk of (re)hospitalization or (re)institutional placements.  

These programs provide locked, skilled nursing facility care and supervision for adults 18-65 years of age, who require extended treatment following an acute psychiatric hospitalization; allowing clients an opportunity to stabilize and prepare for community discharge. All clients must be conserved under the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act (LPS) and are followed by Service Teams. Admission to these facilities is by approval of the Behavioral Health Services Department, 24-Hour Care Unit.

This locked facility program is licensed by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS)​ and provides 24-hour/day care and supervision to adults 18-65 years of age. The focus is on recovery and rehabilitation, which is accomplished through service components designed to meet the needs of this population, such as: Life and Leisure Skills, Dual Recovery Program and Medication Education/Peer Support.

All clients must be conserved under the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act (LPS), and are followed by Service Teams. Admission is by approval of the Behavioral Health Services Department, 24-Hour Care Unit.

Crestwood Center - San Jose
1425 Fruitdale Avenue
San Jose, CA 95128
Phone: 1 (408) 275-1010

Fax: (408) 275-1066


These facilities provide 24-hour/day skilled nursing care and supervision to clients with a primary psychiatric diagnosis, who may also have co-existing medical conditions. These facilities offer programs for adults as well as Geri-Psych programs for clients 65 years of age and older. In most cases, clients are conserved under Lanterman-Petris-Short Act (LPS) and followed by Service Teams. These facilities may bill Medi-Cal for adults as well as those 65 years or older. Admission is by approval of the Behavioral Health Services Department, 24-Hour Care Unit.

The neurobehavioral programs operated in Alameda County (Morton Bakar, Medical Hill, Garfield) are a collaboration with nine other bay area counties, and are designed to meet the particular needs of a behaviorally difficult patient population who are disabled due to brain injury and have a tendency to "act out" physically and verbally. All clients have concurrent physical health needs that are addressed at these facilities. Admission to these facilities is through the Behavioral Health Services Department 24-Hour Care Unit.

Supplemental Services Program
221 Enborg Lane
San Jose, CA 95128
Phone: 1 (408) 885-7580
Email: [email protected]

This program is designed to meet the needs of individuals returning to the community from higher levels of care, such as locked and sub-acute facilities. The Behavioral Health Services Department provides a supplemental payment to Licensed Residential Care Facilities that contract with the County. These facilities are located throughout the county and offer a broad array of specialized services, including cultural and language proficient care. They provide individualized care and supervision within a homelike setting to seriously mentally ill adults and older adults, to support their successful community living. Access to this program is by approval of the Behavioral Health Services Department, 24-Hour Care Unit.​

Residential treatment providers​